Monday, July 31, 2017

Château de la Gataudière

Dear  followers,

I hope you are spending a wonderful summer time with your lovelies.

We were in France this summer, it was a one day to other day decision. On Tuesday evening we Googled about two hours for places to go and  stay, and within a couple a minutes we booked two places in île De Re and île d'Oleron.

At  the next day, we stood up early, filled the car with our bikes, suitcases, new brand camping stuffs bought a couple of weeks before.

Usually we know pretty much in advance what are we undertaking in summer, but this year, it was a little bit different. The kids wanted long ago to go camping, I was of course, totally against and not convinced at all, but after letting the children convinced me, I agreed (I couldn't believe I said YES,  but thought: "why not give it a try"? well, I have to tell you,  I LOVED IT!!!!

First I imagined myself totally uncomfortable, sweating the whole day, every day and night walking miles to find the next bathroom in the camping, and what about my makeup? insects? mosquitos? sharing bathrooms with other unknown people, or staying at the line waiting for a free bathroom.....I imagined the worst! but once there, I absolutely LOVE IT. Nothing of that bad things I imagined happened.

All bathrooms were super clean and always free when I need them, I could take wonderful showers, all was perfect! the weather was fantastic, except one night, it rained at lot, but hearing the strong raining falling on the roofs of our tents was a fantastic experience. I did not sleep at all that night, I could'nt stop hearing the rain, I was out there, just protected by a plastic roof and I survived :).

Let  me show here a couple pictures I took from  the Château de la Gataudière's garden. Our children wanted to go squad driving, and to my surprise, the green areas of the castle was dedicated to different children activities, like squad, acrobatics, climbing etc.  so, I took the opportunity once there to take some garden pictures .

By the way, this place can be booked for parties, weddings and so on. I could marry my husband again just to make the party here :) It is really gorgeous outdoor  (I did not have the time to visit inside).

Hope you like the pictures I am showing you today, if so, do let me know this by letting a comment here by following me on Instagram and Pinterst too, I would be very happy reading you back.

Continue having a great summer time and until my next post!


The Little chapel

My Love and moi, my son took this Picture :)


Monday, June 26, 2017

Shabby Chic Marktkarre und GIVEAWAY Gewinnerin zum 500 Instagram Followers

Hallo Zusammen

Wie geht's euch? kurz vor dem Sommerferien, gibt's immer viel zu tun nicht wahr?....Trotz wenig Zeit, habe ich in meinen Fotos nachgeschaut, und bin super glücklich, ich habe dieses Foto gefunden, von eine sehr alte Marktkarre, welches ich abkaufen dürfte von einen Nachbarin im Dorf.

Diese nette Nachbarin, hat immer am Sonntags, Gutzis gebacken, die Gutzis hatte sie natürlich in diesem Marktkarre verkauft. Es war wirklich eine sehr schönen Tradition im Dorf.

Ich habe die Karre in weiss gestrichen, was übrigens gar nicht so einfach war wie sonst, weil viele gelbe Flecken sind entstanden, praktisch das Ganzes war GELB! anstatt weiss, deswegen musste ich nicht nur mit Annie Sloan Chalk Paint Pure malen, sondern auch mit dem Isolierung von Bosshard behandeln, welches ich im Laden auch verkaufe.

Gelbe oder rote Flecken, kann oft passieren, die sind nicht einzeln Fälle, leider. Wenn man mit Farbe aus Wasser Basis arbeitet, werden die Inhalt Stoffe, Säure, etc auf die Oberfläche "gesaugt". Zum Glück gibt's eine Lösung für alles :)....und so habe ich meine Schnee weiss Karre :)

Er ist leider nicht mehr im mein Laden, es hat eine neuen glücklicher  Besitzer.

Ich wünsche euch ein gute Start in der Woche.


ps. Übrigens, die Gewinnering von mein Giveaway zu 500 Instagram Followers ist Gisimari :) Congratulation!!!!!....Sende mir bitte deine Lieferaddresse, so das ich diese Woche die schöne Sommertasche auf die Post bringen kann. Alles liebe. Silvia

Friday, June 9, 2017

Give Away- Sommer Tasche von Clayre & Eef

Hallo Ihr Lieben

Vor ein Paar Monaten bin ich auf Instagram aktiv, obwohl ich mein Account schon lange eröffnet habe. Gestern hat meine Seite 500 Followers erreicht, und dafür möchte ich mich von Herzen bedanken mit diesen Gewinnspiel.

Wer möchte dieses Farbenvoll Sommer Tasche von Clayre und Eef gewinnen?

Mitmachen geht's sehr einfach:

1) FOLGE losmimisarmoire (Instagram, Blog, Pinterest, FB).
2) LIKE diesen Post.
3) TEILE den Post mit dem Hashtag losmimisarmoire .
Meinen Kinder sind für den Lostopf zuständig! :)
*Das GIVEAWAY endet am: Samstag 24. Juni. 2017
*Ich veröffentliche den Gewinner am Montag 26. Juni 2017 auf meinem Instagram.
* Teilnehmen kann jede natürliche Person aus Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz.
* Der Gewinner teilt uns ihre Lieferadresse per Email: spaetesens bis am 30. Juni 2017 mit. Sollte ich keine Adresse bis am 30. Juni 2017 erhalten habe, geht der Preis leider verloren.

Ich drücke euch die Daumen.
Eure Silvia



Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Shabby Garden

Hello Lovelies

How are you doing today?.

I have been spending a lot of time in my garden the last days, having nice talks with the family, planting some new seeds and plants, swimming, playing with the kids, really enjoying the simple things of the life, like some times being so lucky to see little wild birds flying to our garden, eating, bathing, but as soon as they see a person's move, they fly away...they are so cute.

I took some pictures from our entrance, there we have a small sitting place, hope you LIKE them and leave some comments.

Have a wonderful day


Tuesday, May 23, 2017

Flower Little Paradise

After many weeks of constantly raining, finally we had yesterday a beautiful sunny day!. and I am sure, I was not the only happy person out there.

I decided not to do what I always do on Mondays, not to paint, not to clean the house, not to iron,  not to go buy at the grocery store, not to go and hunt for brocante treasures, not to do the laundry, not to go jogging, NOTHING but being in our garden plating some new plants and flowers,  and redecorating that small part outside of our kitchen where we have our tea time.

Many of the flowers, were chosen by my kids for Mother's day, and they planted them in nice tiny plant pots which they also bought.

Let me show you some pictures , I  hope you like them.

Have a beaituful day!

I love Zink Buckets, you can ad a touch of Shabby writting something on it using stencils or just by Hand.

I never try buying yellow flowers, I always buy pink, violet and rose flowers, but I love this one, my kids bought it for me.

I am a HUGE Hydrangea fan, I simply can not have enough, this one has a really pale rose tone.

I also like chanching my plant pots, adding some Texts on it.